When attracting top talent, you want to use every arsenal at your disposal. With a few adjustments, your website can be used as a recruiting tool that piques the interest of top talent and gets them to give you a serious look. Here are some tips for leveraging your website for recruiting: Tip One: Have a separate section for job seekers and make it easy to find. Job seekers may look briefly at your consumer-targeted website. When they do, it is wise to have a section just for them, and that section should be as well-designed as the rest of your site. Not only should this section list current job openings, but you may find it advantageous to include other candidate-slanted content such as a FAQ page for candidates in order to recruit effectively. Tip Two: Show (don’t tell) your company culture. The Undercover Recruiter suggests that to build trust and get visitors to come back to your site, you should not toot your own horn with written accolades and pats on the back. Instead, post testimonials from others who have found your company a positive place to work and add images, either visuals or videos, showing what it looks like to work in your company. From visuals, people can get an idea of your culture and learn things such as how people dress (the hip factor) and how they work together. Visuals speak volumes about what it is really like to be an employee of your company. Along with testimonials, it is good to mention awards your company has received, particularly awards for being a good place to work or for superior performance. Anything that other people have said in praise of your company will hold vastly more credibility than what you can say about yourself. Tip Three: Link to your social media job pages. Like your website, you need separate social medial pages geared toward recruiting. Social media offers ways to build relationships, and it is worthwhile to take the time to develop ongoing contacts that could turn into employees just when you most need them. eBook: Using Social Media for Executive Search – Learn how to leverage social media in your executive search process more effectively. Tip Four: Offer opt-in email for ongoing communication. Email newsletters can offer periodic updates and be another way to develop relationships as well as to publicize job openings when they arise. When prospective candidates see potential in your website and social media, they will often opt into your email communications. Be sure to keep them engaged by providing relevant content that holds their attention. Tip Five: Ask prospects to take action. Your website should contain a call to action that spurs talent to take a step toward employment, such as applying for an open position or initiating communication with company hiring staff. Offering clear paths prospects can take will increase the number of people who will present themselves in some way as potential employees, even if they become part of a talent pool now that could fill positions that do not yet exist. ThriveTRM can track prospective talent, even if they have not yet formally applied for a position. Instead of dealing with random prospects that can be difficult to track, you can use ThriveTRM to quickly sort and categorize talent so that prospects will not slip through the cracks and fade away too soon. Discover solutions for VC / PE firms and stay in control of relationships with prospects more easily.